Academic Management System automates various academic processes of the university and will enhance the efficiency of the system by saving time and efforts involved in manual processes. The data generated by the system is used for generating the reports at the national agriculture
portal by aggregating the data from various State Agriculture Universities. The system has following sub modules:
- Courses Management
- Student Management
- Faculty Management
- Administration Management
- E-Learning
- Online fee collection
About UAS, Dharwad
The University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad was established on October 1, 1986.
The University has 5 Colleges, 27 Research Stations, 6 Agriculture Extension Education Centers, 6 Krishi Vigyan Kendras and ATIC. The University has its jurisdiction over 7 districts namely Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwad, Gadag, Haveri, and Uttar Kannada in northern Karnataka. Greater diversity exists in soil types, climate, topography cropping and farming situations. The jurisdiction includes dry-farming to heavy rainfall and irrigated area. Important crops of the region include sorghum, cotton, rice, pulses, chilli, sugarcane, groundnut, sunflower, wheat, safflower etc. The region is also known for many horticultural crops.
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (UASD) is a state agriculture university established by the Government of Karnataka which imparts education, research and extension activities in the fields of agriculture, forestry, food science, agricultural marketing and home science.